Kindergarten Registration Now Open ~
It is hard to believe that we are already at that point in the year where we are starting to plan for next year. All schools are now accepting registration for kindergarten. All registrations will be completed on line this year. If you have a child that will be attending kindergarten in the 2017-2018 school year please go to the Black Gold website at to find the registration form under parents and then forms. You can also find the forms on a link on our website,, under Common Resources and New Student Registration.
Kindergarten Days:
1, 2, 7, 9, 14, 16, 21, & 23
March Birthdays:
Sidney Mryglod - 8th Daniel Jakubuv - 27th
Sophia Day - 12th Megan Day - 28th
Abigayle Moore - 18th
Experience Black Gold Booklet Photography Consent Forms
Please send in the photography consent form for the Experience Black Gold Booklets by Tuesday, Feb. 28th. Thank you to all of the families that have already returned the form.
School Fees ~
School fees are past due. If you have not yet paid your school fees please do so on ACORN. If for some reason you are unable to pay your school fees, please come to the school to talk to me about having them waived.
Mark Your Calendars
Assembly ~
The March assembly will be held on Wednesday, March 1st at 8:30 a.m. If your child is being recognized at the assembly their teacher will let you know.
Everyone is welcome to attend the assembly.
Early Dismissal ~
Early Dismissal will be on Wednesday, March 1st. Dismissal is at 2:30 pm.WE Bake For Change Sale ~
The Gr. 5/6 class will be hosting a WE Bake For Change fundraiser on Thursday, March 2nd. This bake sale is in conjunction with the other WE activities that the class has participated in. The purpose of this fundraiser is to give families in developing communities the ingredients they need to create a better life for themselves. All proceeds go to community-led development projects through Free The Children's WE Villages.
The students will be making all baked goods at school and then selling the items for 50 cents each at the sale. All students are welcome to purchase items at the sale.
Staff Planning & Development Day ~
There will be no school on Friday, March 3rd as this is a Staff Planning & Development Day. Staff will be working on a variety of in-servicing topics.
School Council & NHCS Parents' Group Meeting ~
Monday, March 6th is the next School Council & Parents' Group Meeting. Meetings start at 6:30 p.m. and are held in the old computer room.
Everyone is welcome to attend!
Daylight Saving Time ~
Green Day ~
To celebrate St. Patrick's Day on Friday, March 17th, students are encouraged to wear green to school. It is always interesting to see the variety of green items that are at school that day.
Last year the little leprechaun was pretty mischievous. I wonder what shenanigans he will try this year?
Report Cards ~
We are almost finished two thirds of this school year so it is time to send out report cards again. Report cards will be going home on Friday, March 17th.
Celebration of Learning ~
As teachers, one of our favourite times of year is the Celebration of Learning or Student Led Conferences. It is great to see so many parents attend this evening to see all the wonderful learning their child is doing and to celebrate this learning with their child.
This year our Celebration of Learning is on Tuesday, March 21st from 4:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
We hope to see you all there!
Staff Planning & Development Day ~

Spring Break ~
Spring Break will be from Monday, March 27th until Friday, March 31st. I wish everyone a wonderful spring break. Hopefully the weather will be kind to us so that we can enjoy spending time outside!
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