Assembly News ~
Congratulations to the following people for being recognized at the assembly:Student of the Month ~
Congratulations to the following students for receiving Student of the Month. Keep up the great work!
Mathias Gentes - Kinder Alissa Korteweg - Gr. 3Nate Orlick - Kinder Colby Besler - Gr. 6
Brynn Olynyk - Gr. 2
Caught Being Good ~
Congratulations to Kobe Clark for being 'Caught Being Good'. Kobe received a coupon for the scholastic book order. Way to go!
Library Awards ~
Congratulations to Daniel Jakabuv and Abby Opikokew for receiving the Library Award. Great job on bringing your books back on time.
Monthly Challenge ~
Last month the challenge at school was fitness. Students were encouraged to go out at recess and participate in a fitness activity. If they participated their name were entered into a draw. Congratulations to Johanna Arcand and Justin Kabanuk who were the lucky winners of passes to the LRC.
Leduc Rodeo Poster Contest Winners ~
The Gr. 5/6 class entered the Leduc Rodeo Poster Contest. Congratulations to Jakob Kabanuk and Kylie Turner for your successful entries. Jakob won four passes to the rodeo and Kylie won a backpack and a pass to the LRC.
PATs ~
The Gr. 6 class has two PAT exams this week. On Tuesday they will be writing their Part B language arts test which is on reading comprehension. On Thursday they will be writing the math exam. The math exam is comprised of two parts; time facts and basic math computation.
District Track Meet ~
The students that made the track and field teams in the different classes will be competing in the Division Track and Field Day on Wednesday, June 12. If your child is competing please be sure they have running shoes that fit, come dressed in layers, have a water bottle, a hat, sunscreen, bug spray and have lunch if they did not order one. The bus will be leaving the school by 8:45.
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