Sunday, September 30, 2018


October Kindergarten Days 

2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26 & 30 

October Birthdays 

Joseph Cutshaw - 2nd
Eryn Rutherford - 8th
Lexi Rutherford - 9th
Gregory Jakubuv - 16th
Justin Kabanuk - 22nd
Spencer Day - 25th
Nikolas Dudiak - 30th 


Our assembly will be held on Thursday, October 4th at 8:30 a.m.  If your child will be receiving special recognition at the assembly you will be contacted by your child's teacher to let you know.

Everyone is welcome to attend the assemblies.  We hope to see you there!

Fire Safety  

Fire Prevention Week is October 7 - 13th.  The theme for this year is Look, Listen, Learn, be aware - fire can happen anywhere.  

In conjunction with Fire Prevention Week, the Calmar Fire Department will be at the school on Thursday, Oct. 11th to talk to each class about Fire Safety. 

Mark Your Calendar 

Early Dismissal ~ 

Early dismissal is on Wednesday, Oct. 3rd.  Students will be dismissed at 2:30.


There will be no school on Monday, Oct 8th as that is Thanksgiving.  Happy Thanksgiving to everyone!

School Photos ~ 

School Photos will be taken on Tuesday, October 9th.  Please check the note that was sent home for deals and savings that are available through Lifetouch when you order online.

WE Day Conference ~ 

All students in Gr. 5 and 6 have an opportunity to attend WE Day this year on October 12th in Edmonton at Rogers Place.  For more information on WE Day you can go to

Professional Development Day ~

There will be no school on Friday, October 19th as that day is a Professional Development Day for staff.

Halloween ~
Once again we are encouraging families to carve pumpkins and then bring them to the school on Wednesday, October 31st to be displayed. Checking out all the fabulous carvings in always a highlight.

In the afternoon, the students will be divided into cross grade groups where they will rotate through a variety of Halloween activities.  The afternoon festivities will end in the gym where we will hold our annual costume parade. This will begin at 2:45.  Everyone is welcome to attend and join in the parade.  Please remember that weapons are not allowed at school.  Thank you!

Look Alike Day ~ 

The students had a wonderful time dressing alike.  There was wonderful participation by everyone.  Great school spirit students and staff!

Cross Country Run ~ 

Ten of our students participated in the Leduc District Athletic Association Cross Country Run in Wetaskiwin.  All of our students did a wonderful job of representing New Humble Centre.

Orange Shirt Day ~ 

The classrooms were a sea of orange on Friday, Sept. 28 as staff and students wore orange.  We started off the day by gathering in the gym to listen to a story called "When I Was Eight".  Ask your child to tell you about the story and the reason why we wear orange.

Terry Fox Run ~

Thank you to all the parents and grandparents that came out and joined us in the Terry Fox Run.  Despite the cold weather everyone had fun.

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