Monday, February 26, 2018

Feb. 26th - Mar. 2nd

Culture Wheel Presentation ~

The students had a great time being entertained by Ian Porteous as he shared Folktales, played jigs on his fiddle, and taught them traditional Metis dances and music.

Mr. Porteous had the whole audience up participating in the dances.  

Winter Olympics ~

NHCS' 2nd Winter Olympics was a huge success.  The weather cooperated and we had a beautiful, fun-filled day.  

A special thank you to Pat Madu for helping with the hot chocolate station.  Thank you to Const. Bailey and all of the parents that made it out to cheer on the athletes.  

Family Dance ~

Thank you to the PTA for once again hosting a very successful Family Dance.  The students had a fabulous time.  

Thank you to Mrs. Marinoski, Mrs. Kabanuk, and 
Mrs. te Reitstap for running the concession.  Thank you to Mrs. Micku for being the DJ for the evening and picking up the lights and fog machine.  

Pink Shirt Day ~

A reminder that Wednesday, Feb. 28th in Pink Shirt Day.  Wear pink to show your support that bullying is not OK.  This year there is a special focus on Cyberbullying.  Pink Shirt Day is encouraging others to combat cyberbullying by thinking twice before posting something negative, and instead using the internet to spread kindness - because we know that Nice Needs No Filter!

Assembly ~ 

Our monthly assembly will be held on Thursday, March 1st at 8:30.  If your child is receiving special recognition at assembly, their teacher will contact you.

All parents are welcome to attend.

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