A special Thank You to all the families that were able to make it to the Celebration of Learning. It was wonderful to see so many people attend!
Kindergarten Days:
4, 5, 6, 22, 24, 19, 20, 25, & 27
Please note that as of April more Wednesdays have been added to the kindergarten days. Wednesday, April 19th is also kindergarten day.
Please note that as of April more Wednesdays have been added to the kindergarten days. Wednesday, April 19th is also kindergarten day.
April Birthdays:
Alice Geiger - 5th
Reid Olson - 6th
Colby Cranston - 24th
Rylen Martinoff - 29th
Mark Your Calendars
Assembly ~
The April assembly will be held on Wednesday, April 5th at 8:40 a.m. If your child is being recognized at the assembly their teacher will let you know.
Everyone is welcome to attend the assembly.
Early Dismissal ~
Early Dismissal will be on Wednesday, April 5th. Dismissal is at 2:30 pm.
Kindergarten Information Night ~
There will be a Kindergarten Information Night for the parents of any child attending kindergarten in the 2017-2018 school year. The Information Night will be held on Thursday, April 20th at 6:30 p.m.
Good Friday ~
There will be no school on Friday, April 14th as it is Good Friday.

Mid Term Break ~
There will be no school on Monday, April 17th as it is Mid-term break.
Staff Planning & Development Day ~
There will be no school on Tuesday, April 18th as that is the Staff Planning & Development Day.
Grade 5/6 Boys' Floor Hockey Tournament ~
The Black Gold Gr. 5/6 Boys' Floor Hockey Tournament will be on Friday, April 21st and Saturday, April 22nd. Any boys that were interested in being on the team were given an initial information letter before Spring Break.
Dress Alike Day ~
The theme for April is Dress Alike Day. Students are to find a buddy or buddies that they can get together with and dress in the same attire.