I hope everyone is starting to get into the Christmas spirit. For me, just taking in some of the Christmas markets that are happening around the area get me thinking about Christmas. I hope that I get time to go out to the Leduc Country Christmas Lights. They always do such a wonderful job with their light display. It really is sad that this will be the last year that this event will be happening.
At New Humble, students are starting to practice for the Christmas Concert. Lines are being rehearsed, songs are being sung and the recorders are being practiced in full force. Soon decorations will be filling the hall and classrooms.
It truly is a wonderful time of year!
December Kindergarten Days
4, 6, 11, 13, 18, 20, & 21
December Birthdays
Isabella Schipperheijn - 1st
Jayce Orlick - 28th
Nate Orlick - 28th
Jaimesen Huber - 31st
Jenna Koch - 31st
Mark Your Calendars
The Five Days of Christmas ~
The Five Days of Christmas will run from November 30 - December 6th. Please help New Humble Centre School make this holiday season a little brighter for families less fortunate than ours. The items that we donate will go directly to local Christmas Elves. This is completely voluntary; you may decide to participate in only one day or in as many as you feel comfortable! Everything helps!
We have chosen a theme for each day. You can bring in one thing each day or drop it all off at once!
Feel Fresh Friday - Nov. 30 - Personal hygiene items such as toothpaste, toothbrushes, deodorant, shampoo, body wash, etc.
Mouthful Monday - Dec. 3 - Non-perishable food items, treats, candy, etc.
Toys on Tuesday - Dec. 4 - Books, puzzles, board games, toys, crayons, Lego, etc.
Wishful Wednesday - Dec. 5 - Hair products, nail polish, jewelry, bubble bath, sport themed items, arts & crafts, family activities, etc.
Threads on Thursday - Dec. 6 - Blankets, toques, mittens, scarves, socks, pajamas, etc.
Girls' Basketball Game ~
The Girls' Basketball Team will be playing against Thorsby Elementary on Tuesday, December 4th at Thorsby.
The girls have played three games so far. Unfortunately they have not won any of their games but they have shown definite improvement on the court and are learning a great deal about the sport.
Early Dismissal ~
Wednesday, December 5th will be early dismissal for staff meeting. Students will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m.
Assembly ~
Everyone is encouraged to wear a Christmas Sweater on Thursday, December 13th. If your child does not have a special Christmas sweater they could decorate any sweater with Christmas or winter paraphernalia.
Assembly ~
Our assembly will be held on Thursday, December 6th at 8:30 a.m. If your child will be receiving special recognition at the assembly you will be contacted by your child's teacher.
Everyone is welcome to attend the assemblies. We hope to see you there.
No School ~
There will be no school on Friday, December 7 for the students as it is a Professional Development Day for the staff.Gr. 3-6 Skiing ~
The Gr. 3-6 students will be hitting the slopes at Rabbit Hill on Wednesday, December 12th. Please be sure that your child's permission form is completed. This will be available on line in the near future.
We do recognize that December can present financial restraints on families. If the cost of this field trip is prohibitive for your family, please stop at the office and talk to me so that we can waive the fee.
Christmas Sweater Day ~
Everyone is encouraged to wear a Christmas Sweater on Thursday, December 13th. If your child does not have a special Christmas sweater they could decorate any sweater with Christmas or winter paraphernalia.We do recognize that December can present financial restraints on families. If the cost of this field trip is prohibitive for your family, please stop at the office and talk to me so that we can waive the fee.
Book Fair ~
Mrs. Micku will be hosting a Scholastic Book Fair from Monday, December 17th to Thursday, December 20 in the library. The Book Fair will be open during the Christmas concert. More information about the Book Fair will be coming home with your child.Christmas Concert ~
This year the students will be presenting "A Night Before Christmas" on Thursday, December 20th. We will have an afternoon performance at 1:00 pm. and an evening performance at 7:00 pm. This year we will be using some of our seating space for risers for the students so we are encouraging any extended family such as grandparents, aunts and uncles, etc to try to attend the afternoon performance if possible.
Doors for the evening performance will open at 6:30 pm . All students are asked to be in their classrooms by 6:45 at the latest.
Donations to the Food Bank will be accepted at the door.
Refreshments will be served after each performance. A special visitor will be making an appearance at the school for the evening performance.
Parking is available in the north field.
Everyone is welcome to attend! We hope to see you there.
Doors for the evening performance will open at 6:30 pm . All students are asked to be in their classrooms by 6:45 at the latest.
Parking is available in the north field.
Everyone is welcome to attend! We hope to see you there.
Christmas Potluck/PJ Day ~
In keeping with tradition, we will be having our School Christmas Potluck/PJ Day on the last Friday before the holidays, December 20th. Students are encouraged to wear their pj's and slippers to school this day.
Mrs. Austin will be sending home the list of what each family is asked to send in for the potluck. Thank you in advance for your cooperation in sending in food for the potluck!
Christmas Vacation ~
Christmas Vacation will be from Saturday, December 22nd, 2018 until Sunday, January 6th, 2019 inclusive.
New Humble Centre School wishes everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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