Friday, January 5, 2018


Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas break.  I am looking forward to getting back into routine, however, I will miss my leisurely morning coffee with a good book.  

Kindergarten Days 

9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, & 30

January Birthdays 

Lydia Rector - 3rd
Shaylynn Kuzyk - 3rd
Kinsley Te Rietstap - 6th
Jacob Breedon - 23rd
Nicholas Orlick - 26th

Mark Your Calendars

Early Dismissal ~ 

Early dismissal will be on Wednesday, January 10th.  Students will be dismissed at 2:30.

School Assembly ~  

The first assembly of the new year will be held on Thursday, January 11th at 8:30.  If your child is being recognized at the assembly their teacher will let you know.

Basketball Games ~ 

There are quite a few basketball games scheduled for both the boys and girls teams this month, as well as the tournaments.

Thursday, January 11th @ Warburg School
Tuesday, January 16th @ Calmar School
Friday, January 19th & Saturday, January 20th - Boys' Tournament
Friday, January 26th & Saturday, January 27th - Girls' Tournament @ Calmar Elementary

Gr. 3-6 Skiing 

The Gr. 3-6 students will once again be hitting the slopes of Rabbit Hill on Tuesday, January 30th.  Everyone had a wonderful time in December so I hope the conditions are favorable this time so everyone enjoys themselves again.

Staff Planning and Development Day ~

There is no school on Wednesday, January 31st as this is a staff planning and development day.  The staff will be working on one of the school's three year plan goals - to increase the Foundational Knowledge of First Nations, Metis, and Inuit.  We will be joining Thorsby Elementary School to participate in a Blanket Exercise.

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