St. Patrick's Day ~
Well that Leprechaun sure did some shenanigans around the school. All the students came to school to find their classrooms in shambles.
Many of the students got into the St. Patrick's Day spirit and wore green to school.
The Gr. 3/4 Class
The Kindergarten Class
Report Cards ~
Report Cards were sent home on Friday. Congratulations to all the students for their hard work this past term. I enjoy reading all of the report cards and seeing the progress that the students have made. A special congratulations goes out to the following Gr. 4 - 6 students for receiving honours this term. To receive honours a student must have over 80% in all four core subjects - Language Arts, Math, Science and Social Studies.Honours
Gr. 4
Garrett A , Ryder B, Walker H , Wyatt H , Kianna L, Sidney M, Taylor PGr. 5
Megan D, Jordan D,
Jessie K, Cassadi M,
Spring Break is from March 28th to April 1st. I hope everyone has an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful spring weather that we have been having as well as some quality family time. Safe travels to anyone that is going on a holiday at this time. See everyone back at school on Monday, April 4th.
Gr. 6
Jessie K, Cassadi M,
Student Led Conferences ~
Student Led Conferences will be held on Tuesday, March 22 from 4:30 - 7:00. This is an opportunity for your child(ren) to celebrate their learning with you and for you to experience some of the hands on activities the students do in class. Plan to spend about an half hour in your child's room. If you would still like to meet with your child's teacher, please either call the teacher at school or send them an email.
Teacher Planning and Development Day ~
Thursday, April 24th there is No School for students. That day is a Staff Planning and Development Day. Teachers will be using that time to carry out professional development activities based on their professional growth plan.
Good Friday ~
Friday, March 25 there is No School for students as it is Good Friday. I wish everyone a very Happy Easter.
Spring Break ~