Girls' Basketball Tournament ~
The Girls' Basketball Team played in their final tournament this past weekend. The girls started out the tournament by playing the other teams in their pool. They won their first game against Willow Park and lost their second game to Calmar. The girls then played Saturday morning against Caledonia Park School. Despite their best efforts, they ended up losing that game and being eliminated from the tournament. The girls need to be proud of their efforts and hard work. They have really grown as a team this year. Well done ladies!
Also, a special thank you to Mrs. LaGrandeur for volunteering her time to coach the team again this year. It is truly appreciated!

Family Literacy Day ~
Wednesday, January 27th is Family Literacy Day. Try to carve out at least 15 minutes to read a book or engage in other literacy related activities. Check out the following link for some ideas of activities to do with your child that incorporate literacy.
"There are many little ways to enlarge your child's world.
Love of books is best of all."
~ Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis
Accountability Pillar Survey ~
Every year Alberta Education send out surveys to all of the parents of Grade Four students so as to give the parents a voice on issues impacting education at a school, district, and provincial level. This year Alberta Education has made some changes for small school less than 150 students. This year the survey will be mailed out to all parents of students in gr. 4-6.
Please take the time to fill out the survey and return it to Alberta Education. At the school level we use that information to drive our school goals and programs. Our #1 priority at the school is to provide the best learning environment for your child.
All students from Gr. 4-6 and teaching staff will be completing the surveys as well. These are done on-line at school.
Staff Planning and Development Day ~
This Friday, Jan. 29th the teachers will be participating in a staff planning and development day. Our focus will be on Literacy with a particular focus on strategies to use when conferencing with students about their reading. One of the District's Learning Coaches, Jolene Vandermeulen, will be presenting some of these strategies. In the afternoon the teachers will collaborate to analyse which strategies would be most relevant for their students.
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