Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekly Update

We are nearing the end of September and everyone has settled in to routine.  It is great to see all of the exciting things happening around the school.  

We had our first Emergency Evacuation drill.  We were out of the school with only a few minor hiccups.  With a few extra practices we will be running through the drills flawlessly.  If you would like to review our new Emergency Procedures that are being carried out across Black Gold you can find them on at this link:  This week we will be practicing Shelter-in-Place.

The Health Nurse will be visiting the school this Wednesday to talk with the grade five students about the immunizations that they will be receiving this year.  

If you have not already done so, please take a moment to look at the Student Handbook with your child.  You can find it at this link:
Each student should be familiar with the handbook.  Thanks in advance for taking the time to go through this with your child.  

Our Grade 5/6 class has started their yearly fundraiser - the Student Union Ticket Pack.  If you are interested in purchasing either a book or the app, please give the school a call.  

Have a great week!

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