On behalf of the staff at New Humble I would like to wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

The last day before the Christmas holidays is one that the staff and students look forward to each year. After a late night at the concert, we all get to come to school in our pajamas. We enjoy having lunch together, so thank you to everyone for your contribution to the potluck lunch. It is greatly appreciated! After a wonderful lunch, we all enjoy playing Bingo together. It is always heartwarming to watch the older students

You Know Dasher & Dancer & Comet & Cupid...
The classes have been busy decorating their classroom doors with Santa's reindeer. Can you guess which reindeer each door represents?Christmas Concert ~
On Thursday, December 17th the students of New Humble Centre will be performing "Survival Santa". The performances will be at 1:00 p.m. and 7:00 p.m. Doors will open at 6:30 for the evening performance. All students need to be in their classes by 6:45. There will be refreshments served in the old library after the evening performance. If you know that your child(ren) will not be at the evening performance please let the school know. Hopefully you will be able to make it out to one of the performances. Just a reminder that parking will be available in the north field.
PJ, Potluck Day & Bingo Day ~

The New Year ~
The first day back to school after the holidays is Monday, January 4th. We will jump right back into the swing of things with basketball and a School Council/Parent Association meeting. Both the basketball and the parents meetings are scheduled for Tuesday, January 5th. Please check the calendar for the specifics.