Kindergarten Days
2, 4, 9, 11, 16, 18, 23, 25, 26, & 30
April Birthdays
Reid Olson - 6th
Lincoln Drynan - 20th
Rylen Martinoff - 29th

Mark Your Calendar
Early Dismissal ~
Early dismissal will be on Wednesday, April 3rd. Students will be dismissed at 2:30 p.m.Assembly ~
Our April assembly will be held on Thursday, April 4th at 8:30 a.m. If your child is being recognized at the assembly their teacher will notify you.Everyone is welcome to attend the assemblies!
Kindergarten Information Night ~
The Kindergarten Parent Information Night will be held on Thursday, April 4th at 6:30 p.m. If you know anyone that has a child eligible to attend kindergarten in the fall, please encourage them to attend the information evening.If parents have not already registered on the Black Gold website, they should bring a copy of their child's Birth Certificate and their legal land description along with them.
Boys' Floor Hockey Tournament ~
The boys' floor hockey tournament will be held on Friday, April 12th and Saturday, April 13th at East Elementary School in Leduc. The schedule will be shared with the boys once Mrs. Martinoff has it.
Thank you to Mrs. Martinoff for coaching floor hockey this year and to Mrs. Mertins for helping out on the Friday of the tournament.
Thank you to Mrs. Martinoff for coaching floor hockey this year and to Mrs. Mertins for helping out on the Friday of the tournament.
Spring Pictures/Kindergarten Graduation Pictures ~
Spring pictures and the kindergarten graduation pictures will be taken on Tuesday, April 16th. Sibling pictures can be taken at this time. Only students who return the form will have their pictures taken.School Spell-a-thon ~
The school Spell-a-thon will be taking place on Wednesday, April 17th. The top 5 students in grades 4,5 & 6 will be competing against each other to determine who will represent New Humble at the District Spell-a-thon. Stay tuned for what time this exciting event will be happening. Students will post it in their agendas.Good Friday/Easter Monday ~
There will be no school on Friday, April 18th as it is Good Friday. There will also be no school on Monday, April 22nd as that is Easter Monday and the mid-term break. We wish everyone a very Happy Easter!

Jersey Day ~
The WE club has chosen Thursday, April 25th as Jersey Day. Students and staff are encouraged to get into the school spirit and wear a jersey to school that day. The jersey can be from a favorite professional team or from a local team that your child plays on.
Education Week ~
Education Week runs from Monday, April 29-Friday, May 3. Staff are still working out the details of the all the activities that will be happening that week so a special note will come home in early April highlighting all of the events.The PTA will once again be providing lunches to all students free of charge during Education Week. Thank you to the PTA for their generosity.
Talent Show ~
The talent show is happening once again this year. It will take place on Tuesday, April 30th. Stay tuned for the time. It will depend on the number of participants.
Mrs. Martinoff and Mrs. Hawkins will be starting auditions soon so encourage your child to think about what they would like to do and to start rehearsing.