Welcome Back!
Staff have been busy preparing for the return of the students over the last couple of days. Everyone is excited to hear all about the students' summer adventures. I hope everyone is well rested and eager to start another new year of learning.
A Message From Our Superintendent

September Kindergarten Days:
5, 7, 12, 14, 19, 21, 26, 28, & 29
September Birthdays
Jimmy Slack - 1st
Lynn Bakker - 1st
Joseph Matthews - 6th
Kennedy Huber - 6th
Bell Schedule for 2017-2018 School Year
8:10am - Busses Arrive & Supervision Begins
8:20am - Entry Bell
8:25am - Classes Begin
9:55am - 10:15am - Morning Recess
11:45am - 12:05pm - Lunch
12:05pm - 12:35 - Recess
2:05pm - 2:25pm - Afternoon Recess
3:15pm - Dismissal
Early Dismissals
Early Dismissals for staff meetings will be on the 1st Wednesday of each month starting in October. Students will be dismissed at 2:30pm on these days.
Monthly Assemblies
This year our monthly assemblies will be held on the first Thursday of the month at 8:30am. If your child will be receiving special recognition at an assembly you will be notified prior to that Thursday. Everyone is welcome to attend the assemblies! We would love to see you there!
Please note that the September assembly will be the exception to this as we are having a Welcome Back Assembly on Tuesday, Sept. 5 @ 10:30. Please join us if you are available.
School Fees
There is an Enhanced Kindergarten Fee of $80.00. There are no school fees for students in Gr. 1 - 6
Lice Buster Volunteers
Volunteers are needed to do lice head checks at the school. All volunteers will receive training on how to complete the head checks. If you or someone you know is willing and available to fill this occasional volunteer position, please call the school and let us know. We thank you in advance for volunteering for this position.
Bus Lane Safety
Vehicles will not be allowed to park in the bus lane. This lane is strictly for emergency response vehicles and busses only.
School Zone Times
New Humble Centre would like to thank our local law enforcement for keeping our students safe and for enforcing the school zone speed limits.
School Zone Times:
8:00am - 9:30am
11:30am - 1:30 pm
3:00pm - 4:30pm
Student Absences
For the safety of our students, it is extremely important to notify the school if your child will be late or absent. If the school is not notified, we are obligated to phone your home or office to confirm the absence. Students who arrive late must report to the office before going to class.
Alternate After School Plans
If your child will be going home in a different manner than what is typical, such as getting picked up by yourself or someone else, going with another parent, or not taking the bus, please contact the school and let us know of these arrangements. Often times students think there is a change of plans when really there are none.
If your child typically takes the bus and we do not know they are being picked up, it is our policy to send them on the bus. We do not want to send a child home to an empty house so please let us know.
Thank you for your cooperation in this manner.
School Visitors
For the safety of our students,staff, and visitors, all school visitors must first report to the office before going to another part of the school.
Student Handbooks
Please take a moment to review the student handbook with your child. The student handbook can be found on our website under parents and students.
Become a Leader in Your Community
Mark Your Calendar
Welcome Back BBQ -
The Welcome Back BBQ will be on Wednesday, September 6 @ 5:30. The event will begin with open classrooms at 5:30. At 6:00 everyone will convene in the gym for introductions and the BBQ. The Annual General Meeting for the School Council will follow at 6:30. All parents are welcome to attend the School Council Meeting. Election of new officers will happen at this meeting.
Terry Fox Run/Walk -
On Thursday, Sept. 28 we will once again be having our annual Terry Fox Run/Walk. We will start the walk @ 2:25 with a short presentation in the gym. Please come out and join us!
Orange Shirt Day -
Orange Shirt Day is an opportunity for First Nations, local governments, schools and communities to come together in the spirit of reconciliation and hope for generations to come. Students and staff are encouraged to wear an Orange Shirt on Friday, Sept. 29 to honour Orange Shirt Day.