Monday, May 29, 2017
May 29 - June 2
This is the second week in a row that we had a relatively quiet week with little interruption to our regular classroom schedules. Therefore I do not have any pictures of school activities to share.
In conjunction with the Leduc Rodeo, our next theme day will be Western Day. Dress up in your western attire on Thursday, June 1st.
Friday, May 19, 2017
May 22nd - 26th
This past week at school was a relatively quiet week as far as extra-curricular activities or performances went.
Classes have been busy preparing for the upcoming District and School Track Meets. If your child is participating in the District Track Meet they should have brought home a permission form on Thursday. Please sign and return this to the school as soon as possible. Also, please be sure to create an account and order your child's hot lunch. Lunch orders will not be taken through our school. Instructions on how to to create the account and place the order were sent home with the permission slip package.
There are no extra activities on the calendar for this week.
Victoria Day ~
There is no school on Monday, May 22 as it Victoria DayHave Your Say! ~
The Alberta Government is gathering additional feedback from Albertans as they move forward on its Kindergarten to Grade 12 (K-12) provincial curriculum development work.
All Albertans have the opportunity to provide feedback on what students will learn (scope) and when they will learn it (sequence) by completing the Provincial Curriculum Survey from May 15 to June 2, 2017.
Residents may also attend a face-to-face engagement
session hosted by the Alberta Regional Professional Development Consortia (ARPDC) to discuss the draft subject introductions and scope (what they will learn) and sequences (when they will learn it). Sessions for your area can be found here: en/.
If you have any questions regarding the curriculum development you may contact Alberta Education: 310.0000.
Leduc Regional Family Fun Fair ~
In conjunction with the Leduc Rodeo, there will be a Leduc Regional Family Fun Fair on Friday, June 2, 2017. This is an opportunity for families to enjoy an evening together while learning about the family-friendly services available in the region. Please click on the link for more information. Leduc Family Fun FairI hope everyone has a wonderful May long weekend!
Friday, May 12, 2017
May 15th - 19th
Author Visit ~
On Friday, May 11th we had author, Joyce Grant, visit the school. Joyce entertained the students with stories about her train ride from Toronto to Alberta. She talked about how she wrote her first story, Gabby, and then she had the students help her read the story with her. After they used some letters to make words just like Gabby does in the story.
Order forms are available at the school if you would like to purchase any of Joyce's books. Thank you!
Order forms are available at the school if you would like to purchase any of Joyce's books. Thank you!
Staff Planning & Development Day ~
There will be no school on Friday, May 19th as this is a Staff Planning and Development Day. Staff will be learning about Literacy and Numeracy Benchmark testing.
Sunday, May 7, 2017
May 8th - 12th
Here are some pictures from Education Week. It was a very busy but wonderful week. Thank you to all the parents that were able to make it out to the various activities that were happening during the week. Thank you also to the PTA for the wonderful lunches prepared for all of us this week. You truly are an important piece of the puzzle.
Painting with Mrs. Ekstrom ~
The students had a
wonderful time learning some painting techniques from Mrs. Ekstrom. They
all completed fabulous masterpieces.
Edmonton Valley Zoo ~
Despite the chilly wind, everyone had a great time exploring the zoo and learning about the animals.
Hats On for Mental Health ~
Passion Projects ~
The students put a great deal of effort into their projects and the results were outstanding. Some of the students even took on the role of the person they did their project about. Excellent job NHCS students. A special thank you goes out to Mrs. Martinoff for her hard work in orchestrating the Passion Projects Fair.
Appreciation Tea ~
Thank you to everyone that was able to make it out to the appreciation Tea. The students enjoyed performing for everyone. Thanks for all you do to make New Humble Centre School the wonderful school that it is!
Zumba ~
Thank you to Mrs. Micku for spending the morning with us to teach Zumba to all of the classes. The students thoroughly enjoyed it!
Skipping ~
Thank you to connectivity Dance from Leduc for coming out to the school to perform and teach the students some skipping tricks. The students learned many new skipping tricks. Hopefully we will see some of them trying out these tricks out on the playground.
Library Award Winners ~
Congratulations to Spencer D. and Brett B. They were the lucky winners of the library draw this month.
Student of the Month ~
Congratulations to the following students for being the awarded with the Student of the Month.
Abigaile M Alyssa T
Garrett A Johanna A
Colten G Lynn B
Dawson M Grady F
Rylen M
Backwards Day ~
This month the prize that the Student of the Month winners spun for the whole school was Backwards Day. We will be having Backwards Day on Tuesday, April 9th. Students can wear their clothes backwards or be as creative as they like to come up with backwards ways to do things. We will start with period seven first thing in the morning and end with period one.
Spring Playground Clean up ~
The students will be going out on Tuesday, May 9th to pick up litter that is out on the playground. We will be doing this at the end of the day.
Kindy Grad/Spring Photos ~
Kindergarten Grad and all student Spring Photos will be happening on Thursday, May 11th first thing in the morning.
Gr. 6 PAT LA Part 1 ~
The Grade 6 students write their first PAT on Thursday, May 11th. Please make sure your child get a good night's sleep the night before and have a healthy breakfast that morning.
Good luck to our Gr. 6's as they write that PAT.
Author Visit ~
Author, Joyce Grant will be visiting the school on Friday, May 12th at 10:35 am. This is not a scheduled kindergarten day but if parents would like to bring their kindergarten child to the author visit they are more than welcome.
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