2015/16 "Coats for Families" Program
The Leduc & District Emergency Shelter Assoc. - the Hub is once again offering winter wear, at no cost, to those who need it in the Leduc area.
Available: Children's Winter Coats
Adult Winter Coats
Toques, gloves, mittens, scarves, warm socks, boots
Where? Leduc Legion building 5210 50 Ave
When? Tuesday through Fridays 1pm to 5 pm
Five Days of Christmas
This Monday we will be starting the Five Days of Christmas. If you are able to donate any items to this cause it would be greatly appreciated. All items received will be taken to the Calmar Christmas Elves to brighten the Christmas of local families less fortunate than ours.
Monday~ Keep us Fresh! (personal hygiene items-toothpaste, shampoo, soap, body wash, etc)
Tuesday ~ Keep us Warm! (blankets, toques, mittens, scarves, socks, etc)
Wednesday ~ Treat us to a Treat! (candy, non perishable treat food, etc.)
Thursday ~ Make us Feel Special Day! Day (jewelry, bubble bath, hair products, etc.)
Friday ~ Fun Day! (toys, books, etc)
Wednesday, Dec. 2 ~
Assembly and Early Dismissal
We will be having our monthly assembly on Wednesday, Dec. 2 @ 1:20. We will be recognizing the November Student of the Month Winners at this time. The theme for November was perseverance. We will also be introducing the December character trait ~ Self-Discipline. This trait goes nicely with The Leader In Me Habit # 2 ~ Begin with the end in Mind and Habit # 3 ~ Put First Things First.
All parents are welcome to come to assemblies!
Thursday, Dec. 3 ~
Our basketball teams will be heading west next week to take on the Thorsby Cubs on Thursday, December 3.
Hopefully our girls' team will have better luck against Thorsby than they did against Calmar. All of the girls on our team deserve recognition for their perseverance because they never gave up out on the court. Way to go girls!
The boys continue to dominate the court as was seen in their game against Calmar. It is wonderful to see the dedication and drive that the boys demonstrate on the court.
Ugly Sweater Day

Cold Weather ~
Now that winter has settled upon us so has the colder weather. Many students are still coming to school without the adequate outdoor clothing. The students spend approximately 75 minutes outside each day unless the weather is -20 degrees or colder. Wind chill is taken into account. So if you could please make sure your child has the necessary clothing (toque, mitts, snow pants, boots, etc) to keep warm it would be greatly appreciated.